Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011

Semua orang bisa melakukan kesalahan. Hanya orang bijak-lah yang belajar dari kesalahan. quote

Saturday, November 26, 2011

"Live as if your were to die tomorrow... Learn as if you were to live forever." - Anonymous
is having education fair at Dian Kasih Int'l School, Jakarta

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Fall Intake has just started in all schools in USA and Canada. Good luck to all SUN students who have just started their schools .. you can
do it !!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"Faith has to do with things that are not seen, and hope with things that are not in hand." -
Saint Thomas Acquinas

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Guys, sekarang setelah menuntaskan sekolah di Kanada, mahasiswa diperbolehkan untuk kerja penuh waktu (tergantung dari durasi program sekolahnya). Jangan lewatkan kesempatan berharga ini lhooo.....

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Today is the day. IELTS Int'l test at SUN Pluit. Wish good luck for all participants. :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

When one door closes another one opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.
- Alexander Graham Bell

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Guys, apakah Anda tahu bahwa Kanada mendapatkan vote salah satu dari tiga negara teraman di dunia oleh PBB?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Bagi calon mahasiswa yang tertarik dengan jurusan bisnis di Kanada, Fraser International College (FIC) menawarkan pathway untuk melanjutkan ke Simon Fraser University (SFU), salah satu universitas terbaik di Kanada.

SUN Education Group’s e-Newsletter No. 04 - November 2011

Want a Top-Ranked Job? Become an Actuary!

The future is uncertain and full of risk, but risk is also opportunity. That’s where an Actuary comes in.

What is Actuarial Studies?

Actuarial Studies is a discipline that applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk in the insurance and finance industries. Wherever there is a risk, there are opportunities for actuaries. And the recent financial crisis has further highlighted the skills actuaries bring to solving problems.
Actuaries are experts in evaluating the likelihood of future events using numbers, designing creative ways to reduce the likelihood of undesirable events and decreasing the impact of undesirable events that do occur.

Would this the career be suitable for you?

The actuarial profession is perfect for individuals who enjoy challenges and problem solving.
Actuaries are talented professionals who are self-motivated, creative, independent, able to work with others and ambitious. The skills developed by successful actuaries include an excellent business sense with a knowledge of finance, accounting, and economics; keen analytical, project management, and
problem solving skills; strong math knowledge (calculus, statistics, probability); strong computer skills (formulating spreadsheets, statistical analysis programs, database manipulation); and solid written and oral communication skills.

Areas of Employment

Insurance Industry
The insurance companies can not function without actuaries. They design new types of insurance and superannuation policies, calculate costs and determine premiums for policyholders, and analyze of investments and formulate investment policy.

Private Sector
Private corporations rely on the actuary to evaluate risks to frame strategic management

Actuaries help companies to design pension and benefit plans, evaluate assets and liabilities,
and decrease risks.


 Actuaries help to manage government programs and oversee public companies to ensure
compliance with regulatory laws.

Banks and investment firms; public accounting firms, labor unions, rating bureaus, colleges
and universities all employ actuaries. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sun Education Group’s e-Newsletter No. 03 – November 2011

Time to Drop the Skepticism Over Hospitality Management Schools 

Many  believe  that  hospitality management  school  graduates  can  only  be waiters  or  bellboys. Some people  even  ask why  you would  study  how  to  do dishes  or  how  to make  a  bed.  Especially when someone goes overseas  to  take  the degree, people  say  “are  you  serious?” So why do many  students
still  decide  to  pursue  a  hospitality management  qualification,  and what  benefits  do  they  get  from  a hospitality management program?

One  thing missing  from  the  understanding  of  hospitality management  is  that  it  actually  focuses  on business  and  management.  When  you  really  look  at  the  curriculum  offered  by  a  hospitality management  institution,  you  find  subjects  like  finance,  accounting,  economic,  marketing,  human resource,  and  revenue  management,  right  alongside  the  traditional  hotel  operation  and  restaurant service courses. This combination equips students with  the business knowledge and  the people skills to start their career.

Hospitality management schools that implement the Swiss Hospitality Education system will normally incorporate  approximately  2  –  3  semesters  of  professional  internship, when  students  get  to  explore their  interest  and  capacity. They may  choose  from many  different  international  locations  and  hotel
departments.  Students  on  an  internship  program  are  able  to  explore  and  experience  the  different cultures and work ethics of  the different hotels and  the  local communities, and will have at  least one year’s working experience upon graduation, which gives them a competitive advantage compared to a
graduate from a traditional business school. 

One hospitality management school  that SUN Education represents, Les Roches International School of Hotel Management, offers more  than  just a Bachelor’s  in Business Administration  in Hospitality Management.  Students  can  choose  from  five  different  specializations;  entrepreneurship; marketing,
finance, hotel design and project management; and culinary business management. 

Another school  that SUN Education represents, Glion Institute of Higher Education, offers a slightly wider  choice  of  bachelor  degree  specialization,  including  hospitality  management;  tourism management; finance and revenue management; human resources; marketing; event management; and environmental management.

This wide range of degree specializations in the Hospitality Management Program gives students a lot of of career  track options. Student can definitely  follow  their passion  to work  in a hotel, or they may pursue a career  in a finance company or in a bank. Students can also work in a recruitment agency or start up their own company with their entrepreneurship knowledge. The Hospitality Industry is a world of career opportunities.