Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Diversity in Hospitality Education

As one of the very few international career tracks, the hospitality industry is now seeking professionals who have a broader exposure to international cultures and languages.  The motivation for this change in strategy is based in the theory that professionals who are more "culturally aware" will provide a better service experience to international travelers.  The end result being that if a customer has a better service experience, they will be more inclined to be repeat customers of the hospitality provider.

For many years, hospitality education focused on operational knowledge.  In other words, the priorities were to educate students on the operational functions of a hotel: front desk, housekeeping, food and beverage, etc.  While those skills are still part of what hospitality schools educate on today, that education is clearly evolving to also include coursework in cultural awareness, sociology and psychology in an attempt to "teach" cultural awareness.

While it's certainly an admirable task to provide a theoretical framework to assist students in understanding how to become more culturally aware, what is missing is the social aspect of cultural awareness that is more often provided outside of the classroom.  By meaning, there is another set of "learning" that students have by living in a culturally diverse environment both inside and outside of the classroom.  This provides students with a greater understanding of the social behaviors of different cultures - the learning that can't be taught in a classroom or from a book.

While there are many institutions throughout the world that provide recognized programs in hospitality education, there are very few that also focus on developing a more diverse student body.  This could even be said of many schools in the United States.  While foreign student enrollment is increasing, the population of US students still overwhelms an individual school's international student population.  Thus, instead of having a student population that represents a world of cultures, we have one dominant culture (American) that dominates the student body.  Thus, limiting a student's ability to gain the cultural knowledge and experience that can be of a significant cultural benefit.

However, there are some schools that are the "exceptions to the rule".  If we consider Les Roches International School of Hotel Management in Switzerland, we can see diversity at work in the student body.  In Les Roches' most recent intake, the student body came from a very broad population:

Continent of Origin
Percentage of Student Population
Middle east and Subcontinent

As you can see, Les Roches has focused not only on recruiting strong students with the motivation to be successful future professionals, but they have also prioritized cultural diversity to support a key component of their mission to provide an environment that facilitates not only respect for cultural differences but to also give students a deep international prospective to support the students' academic and future career objectives. 

If you wish to know further or would like to weigh your options in studying in Swiss, come and visit any of our branches or email us at

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Bidang Spesifik IT : Cloud Computing

Setelah lulus SMA, saya mau kuliah jurusan apa yah?? Mau kuliah di mana yah?? Setelah lulus kerjaannya apa yah??

Biasanya ketiga pertanyaan penting inilah yang selalu di pertanyakan baik oleh siswa/i maupun orang tua sekarang ini.
Tidak bisa di pungkiri bahwa sekarang ini semua sektor bisnis dan kehidupan masyarakat sangat erat kaitannya dengan kemajuan Information Technology. Jika kalian tertarik dengan dasyatnya perubahan teknologi dan juga implikasinya terhadap sektor bisnis dan masyarakat sekarang ini, salah satu bidang yang bisa di bidik saat ini adalah CLOUD COMPUTING. 

Akhir akhir ini, banyak sekali terjadi perbincangan mengenai Cloud Computing atau Komputasi Awan. Cloud computing adalah suatu penggabungan teknologi komputer dan pengembangan berbasis internet. Secara sederhana, Cloud computing dapat kita bayangkan seperti kita membutuhkan listrik. Tentunya kita adalah pemakai listrik dalam kehidupan sehari hari. Untuk bisa menikmati listrik, kita tidak perlu mendirikan infrastruktur pembangkit listrik sendiri bukan? Yang perlu di lakukan adalah mendaftar ke PLN dan kita tinggal menggunakan dan membayar sesuai dengan penggunaan.
Nah analogi PLN di atas, adalah sedikit gambaran Cloud computing di mana fungsinya adalah memberikan layanan kepada user/pemakai dari layanan tersebut. Layanan penggunaan teknologi komputer berbasis internet contohnya dapat di tujukan untuk menganlisis data, komunikasi tanpa batas, mengerti trend customer, menaikkan produktifitas , dan masih banyak lagi. 

Akan banyak pasar kerja untuk professional IT yang mempunya kemampuan pengembangan Cloud computing di masa akan datang baik di sektor bisnis, pemerintah, sosial masyarakat. Bahkan menurut The Cloud Dividend Report (December, 2010) di katakan bahwa perkembangan Cloud computing akan menghasilkan 446,000 pekerjaan setiap tahun di bidang retail, hotel, sektor keuangan dan publik di Eropa, Middle East dan Africa. 

Bagi teman teman SMA yang masih bingung, mungkin ini bisa dijadikan pilihan untuk  mendapatkan HIGH END JOB kalian.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Tools to Find Out What’s Best for You

One of the most important things to consider when choosing your main course of study is that your degree is a means for the future. It is not the end goal. The course you take will direct you to a career path that is suited to your studies. In this sense, it is not unusual to find that the methodology and the topics covered in the courses are very much in line with actual working. Studying does not only teach you the technical terms, it also teaches you a method of thinking and logic. 

Now before you stress out trying to figure out your dreams, do note that not all students of a subject go on to work in that field. Not all engineering students become engineers and not all marketing students end up in the marketing field, and they are successful. What you need to think about is what suits you, and here are some things that you could use

        Explore your interests

This is simply the first and most important step that you need to find out. If you like dealing with numbers, then maybe finance or accounting is a good course of study for you. If you like buildings then perhaps study civil engineering or architecture if you like to draw as well. By studying what you love and have a passion for, you will see that you will obtain much better results and greater focus in studying. 

You will obtain more knowledge and information from the courses than those that are studying just for the sake of a degree. Join activity clubs, leave yourself open to new activities, literature and media forms to see where your interests lie. Your main interest will lie in doing something you enjoy most and spend the most time doing, along with better results in the associated school work.

Personality tests

When you are a teenager, more than likely, you will still be in the process of discovering yourself. Don’t worry; we’ve known people in their thirties that are still discovering themselves. However, you can take personality tests that can discern your tendencies and give a general idea about yourself. The most popular of these tests are the DISC Test. The test classifies four aspects of behavior by testing a person's preferences in word associations. DISC is an acronym that stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientious. 

These four dimensions can be grouped in a grid with "D" and "I" sharing the top row and representing extroverted aspects of the personality, and "C" and "S" below representing introverted aspects. "D" and "C" then share the left column and represent task-focused aspects, and "I" and "S" share the right column and represent social aspects. In this matrix, the vertical dimension represents a factor of "Assertive" or "Passive", while the horizontal dimension represents "Open" vs. "Guarded"

        Talk to someone else

When you are stuck, it is best to ask the opinions of others. Teachers and parents are good source of knowledge. You can also ask guidance counselors at your school, or if you’d like, visit SUN at any of our offices to talk with any of our counselors. Asking others can give you a different perspective on yourself. Just be honest and they will guide you to find your best options. 

Visit us at any of our branches across Jakarta or email us at We also provide DISC tests for you if you require.