Thursday, May 10, 2012

Popular and Trendy Existed as far back as Ancient Greece

Believe it or not, popular and trendy are derived from ideas and thoughts deeply rooted from time. Popular is defined as “Liked, admired, or enjoyed by many people or by a particular person or group” while trendy is defined as “Very fashionable or up to date in style or influence”.
Popular is a derivative of population, specifically a group of the population and trendy is derived from trend, which is a general direction in which something is developing or changing. Though the words are different from the word today, the idea of popular and trendy has existed since the Ancient Greeks. All this culminates in the study of Demography.

Demography is the statistical study of human populations and sub-populations. It can be a very general science that can be applied to any kind of dynamic human population, that is, one that changes over time or space (see population dynamics). It encompasses the study of the size, structure, and distribution of these populations, and spatial and/or temporal changes in them in response to birth, migration, aging and death.

Demographic analysis can be applied to whole societies or to groups defined by criteria such as education, nationality, religion and ethnicity. Institutionally, demography is usually considered a field of sociology, though there are a number of independent demography departments. Formal demography limits its object of study to the measurement of populations processes, while the broader field of social demography population studies also analyze the relationships between economic, social, cultural and biological processes influencing a population. The term demographics refer to characteristics of a population.

Demography is today widely taught in many universities across the world, attracting students with initial training in social sciences, statistics or health studies. Being at the crossroads of several disciplines such as sociology, economics, epidemiology, geography, anthropology and history, demography offers tools to approach a large range of population issues by combining a more technical quantitative approach that represents the core of the discipline with many other methods borrowed from social or other sciences.
Demographic research is conducted in universities, in research institutes as well as in statistical departments and in several international agencies. The University of Southampton offers a degree in Social Sciences: Social Statistics & Demography. The University of Manchester offers a Sociology degree that allows for study in demography. Queen’s University of Belfast also has a degree in Sociology allowing further study into demography. Otherwise, the University of Warwick offers a degree in Sociology allowing specialism in research technique that will benefit you as a student of demography.

Career options are numerous. Commercial companies, local and national government all require employees with the skills and knowledge to understand and research the relationship between population, health, housing and policy. Local and overseas development and voluntary organisations are also increasingly employing people with expertise in population issues. Not all graduate careers are directly related to population studies, but the portfolio of transferable skills developed during your studies, including skills in computer proficiency, problem-solving, communication, numeracy, statistics and research methods, are all viewed extremely favourably by employers.

-Written by Ardhi from SUN Education Group. Email us at

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